Vilnius Household Registers - Donation Incentives

For donations of $250 or more towards the Vilnius Household Registers project, you are entitled to a place on our virtual "LitvakSIG Jewish Family Roll of Honor" scroll.  To view the Honor Roll scroll at any time, please click on LitvakSIG Honor Roll.

This Honor Roll recognizes your contribution and commitment to the preservation of our Jewish Family. Neither time nor tragedy should be allowed to erase our family history. By the restoration & translation of their records, our family members will be rescued from oblivion. Your painstaking research & recreation of your family tree pays them homage. You have chosen the representative – or representatives - named below to memorialize that Familial History: whether the original ancestral figure, as far back as you can find; or the Patriarchs/Matriarchs who made the great migration journey; or a beloved deceased member you knew; or a living relative whose genealogical research had brought the past alive for you; or a central member of the clan who has done the most to hold the modern family together. They stand here in honor of your Family.

Donation levels:

Honorary Level:  $250 Donation

- Your inscription on the "Honorary Honor Roll" on the LitvakSIG website

Family Level:  $1000 Donation

- Your inscription on the "Family Honor Roll" on the LitvakSIG website, PLUS

- Lifetime membership in LitvakSIG

Heritage Level:  $5000 Donation

- Your inscription on the "Heritage Honor Roll" on the LitvakSIG website, PLUS

- Lifetime membership in LitvakSIG, PLUS

- Lifetime access to ALL District Research Groups and the Vilnius Internal Passports Group

Patriarch/Matriarch/Dynastry Level:  $15,000 Donation

- Your inscription on the "Patriarch/Matriarch/Dynasty Honor Roll" on the LitvakSIG website, PLUS

- Lifetime membership in LitvakSIG, PLUS

- Lifetime access to ALL District Research Groups and the Vilnius Internal Passports Group, as well as advanced access to all new research, PLUS

- Access to a special forum of advisory genealogical leaders at LitvakSIG

Special note regarding "Lifetime Membership" and "Lifetime access to District Research Groups":

  • Normally, a one year membership to LitvakSIG is granted along with a $50 dues contribution; note that "membership" does not enable access to District Research Group webpages
  • Normally, five years of access to ONE District Research Group is granted along with a $100 contribution to each DRG
  • "Membership" entitles the donor to voting privileges and access to the "members" area of the website; "Access" to one or more DRGs entitles the donor to access to the relevant district’s webpages within the LitvakSIG website (including access to that district’s or group’s spreadsheet data)
To become a donor please click here. On the Contributions Page, click on the Special Projects option and select "Vilnius Household Registers".