Benefits of Membership

LitvakSIG asks members to pay annual dues of $50.

Membership Benefits Include:

Access to our Members Website :

Our Members website has additional, and growing, supplemental material to enable Litvak genealogists to enhance their knowledge and grow their family trees.

Some examples of materials in our growing Members Research Library Include:

  • An Index of Jewish Records in the Kaunas Regional State Archives (KRA)
  • An Index of Jewish Vital Records in Lithuanian Historical Archive (LVIA)
  • Kaunas Merchant Lists (Description)
  • Information on microfilmed records for Lithuania held by the US Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
  • Introduction and Description of Records of State Rabbis in the Kaunas Regional Archives - Article by Vitalija Gircyte and Howard Margol

Membership provides the opportunity to vote in our annual elections of directors and access to our By-Laws and Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
Elections determine the leadership makeup of LitvakSIG as well as policies for running the organization. The By-Laws and Minutes document our policies, decisions, and selected procedures.

What Dues are Used For:

LitvakSIG dues are used to support the operating expenses of LitvakSIG including maintaining our websites ( and, regular international telephone conference call board meetings, professional fees, an annual donation to JewishGen for hosting the All Lithuania Database (ALD), and for special activities, such as helping to sponsor Lithuanian archivists, researchers, or other special speakers at annual IAJGS conferences. We also fund the writing and translation of articles of interest to Litvak genealogists which are published in our Online Journal and on our Members Site.

Please Join LitvakSIG!

LitvakSIG is an all-volunteer organization. Included are our 9 Board Members, all Research Group and Project Coordinators and our pro-bono attorney. We strive to keep operating expenses as low as possible and surplus funds, if any, from dues are used to further the general goals of the organization, which are described on About LitvakSIG  or to supplement Projects and Data to acquire data. Please consider becoming a dues-paying member of LItvakSIG today. Your support enables us to devote our time to finding and documenting everything we can of our Litvak heritage!