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Visiting the Jewish Cemeteries in Kaisadorys and Zasliai

By Aleksandrs Feigmanis, April 1999

Two years ago, in 1997, I did research on the Jewish cemeteries in Kaisadorys and Zasliai. These two little towns were part of the former Vilna province, and are located 35 kilometers from Kaunas, and 55 kilometers from Vilnius. This research was sponsored by Colonel Marvin This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Schneider from New York. His mother’s parents whose family name was Evensky lived in Kaisadorys before WWII. Now there are no Jews in Kaisadorys. The synagogue was burned. The small, very destroyed Jewish cemetery in Kaisadorys is located near a common cemetery.

Zasliai is located 7 kilometers from Kaisadorys. The Jewish cemetery there is on the little hill from the right side of the road just before the entrance to the town. Many tombstones are destroyed, but part of the cemetery still remains.

I cleaned all the remaining tombstones, brushed them, and covered with chalk powder the most erased, and then took Pictures of them all. The complete list of tombstones that I visited and photographed follows:

Zasliai Jewish Cemetery:
(HaBochur) Aharon b.Menahem Ram d. 1924 {The Hebrew word BOCHUR usually indicates this was either a young man, or else a bachelor} Maryashe bat Beines
Maryashe Chayet b. Abraham d. 1901
Abraham b. Arye Tarshish d. 1869 Menachem b. Leib Itshak Breski d. 1924
Abraham b. Yacov d. 1856 Mendel b. Leib d. 1918
Abraham b. Natan HaLevi d. 1882 Michel b. Baruch Abraham d. 1899
Abraham Aba b. Yehuda Miriam bas Menachem d. 1907
Aharon b. Moshe Miriam Beile b. Leib d. 1899
Aharon Eliashe Gutman d. 1916 Mordechai b. Moshe d. 1872
Batya bas Moshe Zakovits d. 1919 Mordechai b. Tsemach Katz d. 1924
Beile (?) bas Shlomo Eliahu d. 1899 Moshe Pinhus b. Haim Shapiro d. 1908
Braine bas Arye Leib HaLevi d. 1897 Nehama Miriam b. Itshak d. 1899
Eliezer b. Israel Neheme Reize b. Elimelech d. 1925
Eliezer b. Kalman Shemesh Nisen b. Haim Lzinson (Loinman) d. 1940
Eliazar Lipman b. Josef Halper d. 1920 Noah b. Aharon Chayet
Eliahu bar Abraham Dov Veller died 1916 Rahel bas Yehuda d. 1888
Eliakim b. Arye Leib Katz d. 1928 Rebecca d. 1871
Elka bas Yehuda Leib Rebecca bas Itshak 1868
Elke Adanovits b. Dov d. 1929 Rebecca bas Mordehai Gedalie d. 1915
Enta bas Natan HaLevi d. 1878 Rebecca bas Yehiel (?) d. 1897
Ester Freide bat David d. 1885 Sara bas Shmuel Levin d. 1922
Ester Freide b. Eliazar Friedmann d. 1924 Sara b. Yehuda
Ester Reizel b. Elhanan d. 1926 Sara Rebecca b. Simcha
Feige Judith b. David HaLevi d. 1903 Sheine bas David
Golde Feige b. Jona Moshe d. 1915 Sheine Beile b. Eliezer Osher Ram d. 1925
Gittel bas Abraham Itzhak Sheina Veller b. Meir Gens d. 1910
Haim b. Tzvi d. 1848 Shmuel Dov b. Moshe HaCohen
Hana b. Abraham d. 1896 Shlomo b. Simeon d. 1888
Hana b. Chaim Sholom Shapiro d. 1906 Shlomo b. Yehuda HaLevi
Hane b. Shmuel Toibe Reize Flat died 1922
Hana b. Yehuda HaCohen d. 1894 Toibe Hinde b. Haim Levin d. 1929
Hana Rivka bas Yacov d. 1913 Tzvi b. Abraham
Hana Sara wife of Lipman Mishelovits Yakob b. Ari Shandler d. 1864
Hanoch Tzvi b. Shabtai Davidovits d. 1904 Tsipe Minde Merzanski bat David
Hanoch Tzvi b. Shabtai Davidovits d. 1904 Tsipe Minde Merzanski bat David
Hanoch Yakov b. Eliazer Shamesh d. 1930 Tzvi b. Haim d. 1908
Haim b. Idel Hackmann d. 1923 Yehiel b. Tzvi Katz HaCohen
Haim b. Moshe Yehuda b. Eliezer d. 1871
Haim b. Vigder d. 1920 Yehuda b. Yosef Merzanski died 1888
Haim b. Tzvi d. 1848 Yehuda Kadom d. 1940
Haim Haikel b. Eliazar Lipman Kan d. 1892 Yehuda Leib b. Nisan HaLevi d. 1900
Haya b. Yehiel d. 1902 Yehose Zelig b. Yehiel d. 1894
Hiene b. Yehose Loinman Yente Levin
Hode Ite b. Tzvi d. 1859 Yosef b. Haim HaCohen
Ite Yosef b. Yehiel Michel d. 1906
Itshak b. Shlomo Tzvi Yosef b. Mordehai Zalman HaCohen
Itshak b. Yekel d. 1870 Zema b. Aba d. 1907
Itshak Gershon b. Henoch d. 1843 (?) Zev b. Menachem Nakovits (?)
Lea bas Abraham d. 1900 Zev Wolf
Lea bas Moshe d. 1866 Zlata b. Josef d. 1926
M. Katz d. 1924 ? b. Yehuda
Malka ? b. Yehuda Itshak
Haim Jacov b. Yehiel Michel Gis d.1925
Ite b. Eliazar Zev d. 1922
Itshak b. Zalman Nahman d. 1922
Shmuel b. Joseph Itshak d. 1922
Yehiel b. Arye



In the Zasliai Cemetery, the tombstones are hidden among trees and grass.

(2) Kaisadorys Cemetery

(3) Matzeva of Hanoch Tzvi ben Shabtai Davidowitz in Zasliai Cemetery

(4) Matzeva of Yosef ben Haim HaCohen in Zasliai Cemetery

about the author
Aleksandrs Feigmanis

Dr. Aleksandrs Feigmanis {Grestes 2-12, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia; tel. (371) 7246-893; e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it } is a Jewish genealogical researcher who is also a contributing editor to AVOTAYNU. He is available to do archival research, to guide tours, to translate (Russian, Latvian, German,Yiddish), and to photograph and do videos of towns and cemeteries.