Memorials for Lithuania Shtetls in Cholon, Israel
Photographed by Judi Langer-Surnamer Caplan This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
While walking through the Jewish Cemetery in Cholon, Israel, one can see memorial after memorial to the many Jewish shtetls that were flourishing all over Europe before the Shoah. Among the towns of “Litvakia” for which memorials were erected in Cholon are the shtetls of ANIKST (Anykš?iai, Lithuania), DISNA (Belarus), KALVARIJA, Lithuania, OSHMINA (Ashmyany, Belarus), PLUNGIAN (PLUNG?), Lithuania, and VORANAVA (Belarus).
ANIKST (Anykš?iai, Lithuania)
To the Memory of the Holy Ones of the Community of ANIKST Lithuania
Who were killed in the Shoah – 1941 May the Lord revenge their blood
DISNA (Belarus)
Witness Stones To the Memory of the Community of DISNA And its surrounding vicinity
Memorial Yahrzheit Day the 2nd of Tammuz
[Gal Aid, or a heap of stones as witness, may be a reference to Genesis 31:44-52, especially Vayetze, Perek Lamed-Aleph, Pasook Nun-Bet. “This heap be witness, and the pillar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm.”]
KALVARIJA, Lithuania
To the memory of our dear ones, The Holy ones of KALVARIJA And its surrounding vicinity Lita Who were murdered in the Shoah. May the Lord revenge their blood Day of Annihilation 9th of Elul 5701.
OSHMINA (Ashmyany, Belarus)
In Memory of the Kehillah of OSHMINA, Vilna. That was destroyed in the Shoah. Remembrance Day 20th of Av. May the Lord revenge their blood.
PLUNGIAN (PLUNG?), Lithuania
In Memory of The Holy Ones of the Community of Plungian Lita.
To perpetuate the memories Of the holy ones of Plungian Who were slaughtered by the Nazis and their murderous Lithuanian helpers and in memory of the inhabitants of the town who fell in the war against the Nazis.
VORANAVA (Belarus)
Here is buried The ashes of the Holy Ones of VORANAVA a section of Vilna. May the Lord revenge their blood Who perished in the Shoah in the years 5699 – 5794, Memorial Day the 24th of Iyar