How to use the various search features of the LitvakSIG Discussion Forum

The Discussion Forum has a range of search features available.  This page describes some of them.  

Each webpage within the Forum has a search box near the top of the page.  Here’s a screenshot from the main Forum webpage.

 From here, you can quickly type in your search criteria.  As with many other website’s search features, you can also add quotation marks around your search text for an "exact" search result.  

This is the basic search, and the results will yield a variety of responses.  In the example below, we’ve entered "litvak" into the search box and you can see the results below.  We’ve been given search results from within several categories, including original posts as well as replies. 

If you’d like to do additional searches using more search criteria, then look at the "advanced search" feature, which is in yellow on the right side of the page.  Clicking on that yellow button yields more search criteria.

For these advanced search features:

1.  You can choose "subject only" or "subject+body".  The latter will give you a broader search result.

2.  "Select date range" allows you to enter a custom date range for your search.  You’d probably use this to check out any new posts related to what you’re searching for, or perhaps you only want to search older posts.

3.  The third search box (on the right) labeled "include poster’s name", allows a search by name of the person who created the original post.  As you enter a name within the search box, a list of full names will appear.  If the name for which you are searching does not appear, then there have been no posts by that individual.