Types of Records in the ALD

The All Lithuania Database (ALD) contains data from many types of records and were obtained through a multitude of sources (people and institutions).  Note that the source data for records contained within the ALD are available within the Excel spreadsheets housed on the LitvakSIG website, which are available to qualified donors as described on our donors page.

Below is a list of each type of record represented in the ALD. Each Record Type is linked to a summary which describes the type of data found in the records, including a definition of the fields and abbreviations found in the records; when, how and by whom the records were compiled; and additional information, if any, about the records and related topics.

Please be sure to read the information about Record Types when trying to interpret any data you find in the ALD.

  1. Revision Lists and Other Census Lists
    Revision Lists, Family Lists, and other Census and Migration Lists
  2. Vital Records
    Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Records
  3. Tax Lists
    Candle Tax Lists, Box Tax Lists, Business Tax Lists, Property Tax/Real Estate Tax Lists, and Real Estate Owners Lists, Merchant Lists, and Craftsmen and Guild Lists.
  4. Voters Lists
    Rabbi Electors Lists, Municipal Electors Lists, Duma Lists
  5. Citizenship and Passport Lists
    Lithuanian Internal Passports, Passport Issuance Books, Passport Issuance Records, Passport Registration Books
  6. Cemetery and Landmanschaften Records
    Kovno Cemetery List, Keidan Cemetery List, Jurbarkas Cemetery List
  7. Directories
    Indexes of street and telephone directories, Lithuanian Medical Personnel Directories, Vsia Vilna Directory
  8. Subscription and Donor Lists
    HaMagid Donors, HaMelitz Donors, Prenumeranten Lists
  9. Holocaust Lists
    Sugihara/Japanese Visa List, WWII Ghetto Arrest Lists, Pages of Testimony, Lithuanian Jewish Holocaust Survivors List, Vilna Ghetto List Index
  10. Other Lists

There is a FAQs Section on this website about Understanding Data in the ALD and other Records where you can find answers to common questions about data you have obtained from the ALD and in other LitvakSIG projects.