LitvakSIG Board Positions

The LitvakSIG Board of Directors is comprised of 9 Directors (for the complete list of our current directors, click on LitvakSIG Board Members), each elected for three-year terms with three positions expiring each year. This allows the organization to incorporate new talent while maintaining continuity of leadership. No Director may serve more than 3 consecutive terms according to term limits in our bylaws.

Members of the Board of Directors take on significant responsibilities for the operation of LitvakSIG as well as participating in decision-making to establish policies that affect the organization. These are non-paid positions which require a significant commitment of time and talent to the organization.

Elections for expiring Board positions are held each year at our annual meeting, during the International Association of Jewish Genealogy Societies (IAJGS) annual Jewish Genealogy Conference. Current Dues-Paying Members of LitvakSIG are eligible to stand for election and vote in the election.

The LitvakSIG Bylaws call for appointment of the Nominating Task Force on or before April 1 of each year. The immediate past President of LitvakSIG chairs this task force. The current President chooses one sitting Board Member and one non-Board, Dues-Paying LitvakSIG Member to participate on the task force. The LitvakSIG Board chooses a fourth member of the task force from the current Board and a fifth and final member of the task force from the LitvakSIG Membership.

The Nominating Task Force considers all interested Dues-paying Members to fill the open positions. Any Board Member with a term expiring may express his/her desire for a second or third term, and will be considered by the Nominating Task Force along with others who apply.

The recommendation of the Nominating Task Force is final, but LitvakSIG Bylaws provide that any qualified candidates who are not recommended, will be able to nominate themselves, and have their biographical statements and summary of what they can contribute to the Board added to the web site and have their names placed on the ballot.

The election takes place by email during the weeks before the election at the annual meeting. Dues-Paying Members who do not vote before the meeting, will have the opportunity to vote in person at the annual meeting.

Relevant announcements about the nomination and election process, along with results, are posted in the LitvakSIG Digest; on this, our public website (; and on our Members Site

For information on how to become a Dues-Paying Member of LitvakSIG, see our webpage Join LitvakSIG . Dues-Paying Members are entitled to access our Members Site which has, among other things, copies of the LitvakSIG By-Laws and Board Meeting Minutes.